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Prenatal yoga can make pregnancy more comfortable and even reduce labor pain — try Malasana squat

Purpose: Releases tension in the hips and strengthens the thighs, says Kathrin Werderitsch, a yoga teacher with her own virtual studio.

How to do it: Stand with feet slightly more than hip-width apart, and toes pointed slightly out. Slowly lower into a squatted position with hands clasped at your center and elbows pushing knees out. 

Modifications: Place a block under your hips for added support.

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“My tip would be to set a goal. Why do you want to practice yoga? It can be to improve your flexibility, work on a healthy spine or to being able to do a wheel or headstand down the road. A private instructor will safely guide you to accomplish those goals. And when you don't feel motivated, having a goal brings back your focus!”

“Find a teacher that you vibe with. You thought you didn’t like yoga, but maybe you just didn’t like a certain teaching style. Instagram is a great resource to find online platforms and diverse teachers offering Zoom classes.”

“It's okay to only do a 30-minute class. Start small, switch up your exercise routines and set obtainable goals.”


“It’s OK not to push yourself as hard as you may in a gym or group class,” says Kathrin Werderitsch, a certified yoga instructor. “Pick something you like and try new fun things, like a dance class to switch it up.” One fun way to have a living room dance-a-thon and work up a sweat is Pony Sweat, an inclusive aerobic workout with an incredible soundtrack."

Dec 10, 2020

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Apr 18, 2018

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